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K3Da (Kinect 3D active) is a realistic clinically relevant human action dataset containing skeleton, depth data and associated participant information. With associated marker indicating noisy/outlier frames.
Update: We have altered our participant groups to include: Young, Elderly (old) and Athletic Old (British Masters Athletes labels).

This dataset contains 54 participants, 26 young (<=59 years of age), 14 elderly (=>61 years of age) and 14 British Masters Athletes (=>61 years of age). Activities are based on the Short Physical Performance Battery (Guralnik et al., 2000) including: two leg jump, walking, sit to stand, and balance. In this dataset, all activities are recorded in accordance with the Short Physical Performance Battery protocols. All sequences have been recorded in a lab-based indoor environment with a single Kinect One 3D sensor, fixed to a tripod and motions performed directly infront of the device.
We seek to make this data available to the research community. We allow each file to download from our site. However, we ask that you e-mail the authors' of this dataset, Daniel Leightley giving the names of the researchers who wish to use our dataset and their main purpose. We ask that you cite the following paper when using the dataset:
D. Leightley, M. H. Yap, J. Coulson, Y. Barnouin and J. S. McPhee, "Benchmarking human motion analysis using kinect one: An open source dataset," 2015 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA), Hong Kong, 2015, pp. 1-7.
We welcome all comments and suggestions for future improvement for our dataset.
NB: We intend to make available RGB stream at a future date.